Published on 3rd October 2023

Mandurah Country Club Update – Tuesday 3 October 2023

Dear Members,

A brief but important update of some significant current and future activities/events at the Mandurah Country Club (MCC).

  • The President’s Gala dinner will be held on Saturday 14th October 2023 and is our premier event to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of members who have made a significant contribution to our club. On the night, several presentations will be made including the naming of a new life member and the ‘Ross Quartermaine’ volunteer of the year.  Details can be found on the MCC website, and it would be great to see a strong turnout for what will be a very enjoyable evening.
  • The new MCC Constitution has been formally approved by the Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety. Accordingly, the new Constitution is now on the MCC website and takes effect immediately.
  • As previously advised, over the past few months we have been in discussions with the City of Mandurah to renew the golf course lease. I’m pleased to inform you that the City has proposed a term of 30 years (15 + 15) subject to several lease terms and Council approval.  The terms of the lease, which are agreed to by the MCC, include standard clauses such as insurance, maintenance, etc and also environmental management stipulating the exclusive use of products that are registered for use by the APVMA (Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority), and a comprehensive tree management plan.
  • Balcony extension and undercover area — the club is looking at the next phase of the clubhouse development and we are hoping to commence works in the near future. This will include the removal of current Gazebo and creation of much needed shelter by extending the balcony which will create an undercover area that will also be utilised as an entertainment area during the warmer weather.  The concrete aggregate leading into the clubhouse will continue throughout the entire area resulting in impressive and functional improvements to the clubhouse.
  • Over the past few months, the City of Mandurah has charted and assessed the health and associated risk factors of 1500 trees on the course. As you would be aware, a number of trees were removed during the recent course closure and this program will continue on a priority basis over coming years in conjunction with an agreed replacement program which we will commence in the near future.

It doesn’t take long to provide a written update, but I can assure you the results and projects outlined have taken a lot of time and effort with numerous people involved to ensure a successful outcome.


Kind regards

Ian Johnson, MCC President