As I have mentioned in previous course updates, we all have a part to play in ensuring the best possible condition of our bunkers.
In an effort to continually improve our bunkers we have decided to trial rake stands on a couple of holes. It is hoped the stands will result in the following:
- Ensuring rakes are left in the correct positions within the bunkers.
- Encourage people to enter the bunkers at the lowest possible point (as this is where the rake will be situated). Hopefully this will limit people walking down the faces as this gives us the best opportunity of hardening the faces to reduce the possibility of plugged lies.
- Reduce the amount of the rake in contact with the sand to reduce the possibly of the rake interfering with the ball (although the head of the rake will still be resting on the sand).
- Make it obvious if there are rakes missing from a bunker.
The trial will be held on holes number 1 and 2 and will run for a couple of months. During the trial I ask all members to undertake the following:
- Enter the bunker at the lowest point where the rakes will be situated (assuming they have been replaced on the stands).
- As always rake the bunker properly back towards the entry point of the bunker.
- At you exit do not rake the sand towards the edge of the bunker but instead rake the sand back towards the middle of the bunker to help keep the base of the bunker flat.
- After raking place the handle of the rake on the stand with the rake facing the direction of play. (as shown in the pictures below).
There is a very small possibly that the stand may interfere with the ball or an intended swing, particularly if the ball has come to rest against the stand. If this is the case the stands are to be treated as immovable obstructions and relief can be taken under rule 16.1c.
As mentioned, this is just a trial to see if there is any value to having the rake stands. At the end of the trial we will determine the following:
- If they have helped in ensuring the rakes are always in the correct position.
- If they have helped stop people entering bunkers in non-desired locations.
- If they have had a detrimental impact on play (i.e. if relief is needed too often)
- If they deter from the aesthetics of the course.
I would be very interested in any feedback members have either during, or at the conclusion of the trial. Feel free to catch me when see me around the club.
Dean Stewart – Greens Committee Chair