Dear Members
The 2022 President’s Gala dinner was held on Saturday evening 22nd October with a great turn-out in attendance with a number of special guests including club patron and foundation member Mrs Judith Tuckey OAM, club trustee and former General Manager Billie Friedlander along with six former MCC Presidents in attendance.
It was a really upbeat evening that was very well supported, and the feedback was very positive. Members and guests were treated to pre-dinner drinks and hors d’oeuvres before enjoying an excellent meal prepared by Sheree and her team in the dining room. Speaking of the dining room, it looked fantastic and a big thank you to Jilly Howell (Ladies social co-ordinator), Joan Paki, Robyn Boswell, Mick Glasson (Chair social committee), Bev Byrne and John Ennis in setting up the room. An event like this requires careful planning and much preparation and the social committee did a great job in delivering yet another important club function.
After the meal and presentations excellent entertainment was provided by ‘The Mulligans’ who very generously donated their services as their contribution to the Gala night, greatly appreciated. Their performance and music hit the right note and it was great to see so many enjoying themselves, with a wide variety of unique moves on the on the dance floor.
The evening commenced with recognition of our staff and their professionalism throughout what has been an extremely busy and challenging year. We are very fortunate to have a team who take great pride in what they do and continually strive to improve our facilities and services. It was great to see so many of them at the event and in particular those recently retired in Barry Price and Lynne Bengtson, both of whom made such a positive contribution to our club.
A successful team must have a leader and in Grant Shortland-Jones we have a General Manager who is second-to-none in WA and leads from the front. I know first-hand of his work ethic, dedication, professionalism and he genuinely cares about his team and our club.
The first presentation of the evening was to outgoing club Captain John Benbow who for the past two years has carried out his role with a great deal of pride and expertise. He has worked tirelessly throughout and there’s rarely an event or presentation that John isn’t involved in. These commitments take up a great deal of his time and he’s always prepared to go over and above to ensure the job is done professionally and in the best interests of the MCC and its members. All of this work could not be done without the support of his wife Marlene and the Men’s division in particular owes John and his wife Marlene a big vote of thanks.
The next award was the volunteer(s) of the year and presentation of the ‘Ross Quartermaine’ award, named in recognition of past member, now deceased. Many would remember seeing Ross driving his tractor and towing the small trailer around the course, almost on a daily basis working tirelessly for the benefit of the club, axe in hand with seemingly endless strength and energy. The naming of the award provides a meaningful way to honour the outstanding contributions of a past member, adds prestige to the award and that we value and acknowledge those who contribute to our club.
In a club that has so many terrific members who freely volunteer their time and give great service to our club, it is always difficult to single out the efforts of one. The very popular recipients of the 2022 award Ted Morgan and Norm Cox, work together as a team and are inseparable when it comes to their volunteering efforts at the MCC. They have worked together for over seven years with the only absence being with illness, working 7 days a week.
Their day starts very early, opening the gates, switching off alarms and getting the golf carts ready for use. Most of you have seen Norm and faithful companion ‘Bella’ around the club ferrying carts back and forth, collecting balls from the range and generally helping out in whatever way required. When it comes to Ted you are less aware, but he plays a crucial role in maintaining the carts, carrying out servicing, sourcing parts and has actually setup a cart workshop complete with inventory of all parts to ensure the carts are available for member and non-member use each day.
Collectively, they contribute untold hours voluntary work, every week. Both are quiet achievers who just love getting the job done without any fanfare and certainly without any expectation of reward, so it was difficult getting Norm at the gala night but an impossible task to get Ted here as well. Due to illness Peggy Quartermaine (Ross’s widow) couldn’t present the Award so the 2021 inaugural recipient, Joan Paki represented the Quartermaine family.
The penultimate award on the night was the announcement of our first ‘life member’ since 2006. Prior to this evening the club had four past life members and one current in Graeme Parsons. The announcement of Jim Mahoney as our newest life member was greeted with genuine admiration and he was clearly moved by the honour. Jim has been an MCC member for nearly 40 years and just some of his achievements over that time include:
- MCC Administration and executive duties at a senior level.
- Volunteer work (including the position of Course Superintendent – a full-time essential position).
- Junior development at the MCC and Manager of the WA State Junior Team in 1997 and the WA State Colts Team from 1998 to 2003.
- Advancement of the MCC standing within the WA golf community and promoting golf in WA.
- The first member of the MCC to be elected to the West Australian Golf Association Match Committee – from 1994 to 2003 and then Chairman of the Committee in 2005, a position he held until 2006
A very worthy recipient and to this day Jim continues to volunteer his services and expertise on a daily basis and is currently involved in the use of technology to assist Neil in maintaining the course greens.
The final presentation of the night (and a surprise announcement) was the unveiling of the newly struck honour board depicting those who have been a member for over 50 years in addition to those appointed as life members. It was very fitting to have Judith Tuckey and Bev Jackson on hand to unveil the honour board as both their names are engraved along with that of Judith’s late husband Owen, a past life member. I’d also like to make special mention of David KINDRED (Member No 868) who first approached me to discuss the notion of an honour board to recognise those who had achieved 50-year membership.
Recognition of those who have made such a great contribution to our club, both past and present, is so important and the gala event was all about celebrating their achievements. I sincerely thank all those who made the evening such a great success along with those who supported the event and of course all the very deserving award recipients.
Kind regards
Ian Johnson, President