Dear Members
As part of the series of updates (Mandurah Country Club update 31/8/22 & Course update 5/9/22), I would like to outline the work being undertaken by the Management Committee (the Board) and the various sub-committees that report to the Board. Just a reminder to all members that these updates can be viewed in your membership portal on the website and are also archived for future reference.
Firstly, I want to express my appreciation and admiration to committee members for their hard work and endeavours throughout the year. So much work goes on behind the scenes and it is important to remember that all Board and sub-committee representatives are also members of our club who unselfishly volunteer their time and expertise to work in the MCC’s best interests for the benefit of all members.
After the Board approved the Strategic Plan 2021-2026 a program of work was determined to address some of the key goals and actions outlined in the plan. The Board and various sub-committees have made significant progress on a number of key projects as outlined below:
Policy Development
The MCC is currently governed by the Constitution and associated By-Laws that detail the powers to be used by the Management Committee. The ever changing social, government and environmental landscape requires the club to be responsive and adaptable to change whilst ensuring proposed changes are well researched, evidence based, and whenever possible, are in the best interests of members.
Accordingly, in addition to the review of the Constitution, work commenced on two significant policy areas to prepare the club for the future and ensure we have an informed and balanced approach that considers potential consequences (both intended and unintentional) along with a well-planned implementation process. Policy development could never be described as exciting but is essential to ensure compliance with legislation and to provide guidance and consistency for decision-making. It is pleasing to report the progress of two key areas of policy:
- Equality and Diversity Policy — the project was initiated in February 2022 and approved by the Board in June 2022 (2 months ahead of schedule). The policy covers the key areas of:
- Age.
- Disability.
- Sex.
- Sexual orientation.
- Race.
- Religion or belief.
- Gender reassignment.
In addition to consultation with other WA golf clubs and associated bodies, research also included:
- Equal Opportunity Act (1984)
- Golf Australia ‘Guidelines for the promotion of equal opportunity for women and girls in golf’
- Golf Australia – ‘Member Protection Policy’
- Golf Australia – ‘Gender Policy’
- England Golf – ‘Equality and Diversity Policy’
- Equality Act 2010 Ban on age discrimination
Following the approval by the Board, the next stage is the development (already underway) of various scenarios to ensure the MCC methodically works through the potential future situations to make informed decisions that comply with legislation, are practical and in the best interests of MCC members.
It is pleasing to report that Golf WA, the State Body for Amateur Golf in Western Australia, have congratulated and complimented the club on the documentation and process the club is working through.
- Governance Policy – draft completed and to be presented at the September Board meeting for approval.
- The Mandurah Country Club (MCC) is committed to achieving the highest standards of corporate governance. The Club’s Corporate Governance Framework, which is based on best practice, sets out the standards of accountability and transparency expected of the Club by its many stakeholders and the Community.
- The Framework outlines the components which support effective governance through strong leadership, responsible and ethical decision-making, management and accountability, and performance improvement.
- Corporate governance arrangements must continually evolve to ensure that organisational and service delivery objectives are met effectively, efficiently and transparently. Accordingly, the Club’s Corporate Governance Framework will be reviewed annually, or as required.
Lease Negotiations
Members may be aware that the lease of the golf course from the City of Mandurah expires in 2023. Positive negotiations have commenced with the City for a long-term lease renewal and once terms and conditions are agreed a new contemporary lease will be prepared.
Review of the MCC Constitution
The current constitution was written when the club was first formed and understandably referenced and mirrored similar constitutions of then established golf clubs. Since that time there have been various amendments but Governance procedures, legislative requirements and processes have changed considerably over the past decades, and it is important our constitution is updated to ensure it is contemporary, effectively manages areas of risk and make sure that governance structures are effective and efficient.
To date, the Governance sub-committee and an associated working group, in accordance with the requirements of the Associations Incorporation Act (2016), have researched and prepared a concept paper proposing changes to the current Management Committee governance structures. Associated with this work is the need to define and outline the roles and responsibilities of the ‘Board’ Directors, the process required to make such changes to the Constitution, and By-Laws along with all other matters relating to the proposed management structure.
When proposing to make such important changes it is essential the project team are thorough and detailed in their submissions to the Board and accordingly a project of this significance requires much time, effort, and expertise.
Health and Safety Management System
A number of important changes to legislation is imminent and this project ensures the MCC have the structures and processes in place to comply with new requirements. The project group identified the required scope, developed the committee structure and key actions to be completed. In consultation with an industry advisor, the course operations and club house were inspected along with endorsement of the proposed committee structure. A draft policy has been developed and scheduled for Board approval in September.
Boundary to Boundary Project
The project scope includes the future development of all land within the MCC precinct. Various options have been considered in relation to the development of the carpark and adjacent land holdings as well as completion of the forecourt outside the ‘Pro-shop’. A budget has been approved to source more detailed architectural plans which will then be presented to the Board for decision.
Under 45’s Membership Initiatives.
Over the past few months considerable data and feedback has been collated to better understand the attraction and retention strategies for members under the age of 45. Information was gathered from a range of sources including:
- City of Mandurah
- Australian Bureau of Statistics
- MCC Resigned Members Survey 2022
- MCC Under 45`s Members Survey 2022
- Golf Management Australia Conference 2022
- MCC Attrition Rates Data and Membership Age Profile 2022
- Golf Club Participation Report, Golf Australia, February 2022
- MCC benchmarking and comparative analysis with a range of other WA golf clubs
The research provided very significant data which in turn informed a range of strategies that have been presented to the Board.
Cart Review
As recently announced, a review is underway in relation to the use of motorised carts to ensure the MCC has a sustainable strategy for the future. The review will take some time and the research will include, but not limited to:
- Relevant policies of similar clubs.
- Cost benefit analysis (private and club carts).
- Cost comparisons with other similar clubs.
- Maximum number of carts permissible (private/club).
- Storage implications (private and club carts)
- Technology solutions (e.g., GPS controls).
- Medical conditions and the need to comply with legislation and inclusiveness for those with a disability or impairment.
- Submissions from the respective golfing divisions.
Junior Program
The MCC Junior Academy programme has gained some momentum over 2022 and is continually growing. Two major developments are the successful introduction of the Australian Golf Foundation (AGF) Junior Girls Scholarship and setup of the MCC Golf Academy Boys Pennant Development Squad programmes this year. Both programmes are designed to encourage more junior girls and boys to participate and advance their skills through coaching and on-course lessons.
The Sunday sessions with Club Professional Gary Colquhoun now incorporate a Junior 9-hole Stableford competition allowing Junior Members with a handicap to compete against one another as well as an Ambrose style event for Juniors without a handicap. The aim of the Sunday programme is to allow Juniors to have a progression pathway from Tappie’s Teaching Clinics.
All programmes have shown a steady increase in numbers and most importantly a retention of junior members. The Junior Committee would like to thank members for their support and contributions and look forward to continuing our success into 2023. Fundraising is going well with money raised from the recent Quiz Night and Containers for Cash donations. Men’s and Ladies competition winners have been generously donating their winnings which are used as prizes for Sunday competitions.
Asset Register
The current processes used by the club are outdated and inefficient. The identification and recording of assets are essential to enable the MCC to record all required data including procurement date, location, price, depreciation, and the current financial and non-financial information of each asset.
Once completed the MCC will have complete transparency of all asset data and easy access to the required information including replacement schedules.
Capital Works 10-year program
The capital expenditure and equipment replacement program is essential to ensure we have a planned approach to programmed expenses in future years. A comprehensive and detailed program enables the club to allocate a sufficient budget to fund the program including preventative maintenance and future improvements.
In closing, thank you for taking the time to read the update, as outlined, the workload is significant, and all of these projects are in addition to the day-to-day business requirements of the various committees. Continuous improvement and positioning for the future is the key focus for the Board and associated sub-committees and I again thank all those who willingly volunteer their time on various committees, event planning, course and equipment maintenance and assist staff in general daily activities. We are also fortunate to have such excellent staff who take great pride in the club and the work they do.
The past few weeks have seen a lot of competition golf and I’d like to applaud all who took part in the club championships and the Mandurah Cup with congratulations to Mandurah Cup winners Dani Hunt and Jaxon Wyllie, club champions Shan Terry (back-to-back champion) and Paul Tuckey and Steelscene Mandurah Amateur Open winner Kathryn Norris.
Kind Regards
Ian Johnson