Dear Members
Welcome back to a new year!
We are getting back into the normal swing of things, with Friday nights starting up again this week, Friday 10th January 2025. Chase the Ace and the Members Draw return, a new menu is available for Friday and Sundays, whilst a new Summer Women’s menu is available from 11am Tuesday and Thursdays.
Golf Competitions are now back to normal. Todd our Golf Manager, manages the sheets daily so please ensure if you want a game and the competition is full, please use the waitlist as times inevitably open throughout the week or, Todd manages the numbers back to the waitlist. The Golf Committees will address members that are continually putting their name down but not playing or worse, just not turning up and taking a slot that could have been used.
Just a reminder about the speed driving into and out of the Club along the adjoining streets. Again, we have received complaints from residents, with some unacceptable behaviour going along with the speeding cars. They have been extremely respectful, understanding and they have been communicating with us, but their patience is understandably wearing thin. Please ensure you keep to a slow speed when driving along Marsh and Armstrong Streets.
Grant Shortland-Jones
General Manager
Published on 7th January 2025