Published on 27th November 2024

From the President – Wednesday 27 November 2024

Dear Members,

Thanks to the members who attended the Club’s 2023/2024 AGM on Monday evening, 25 November 2024.  It was great to have good attendance which satisfied the number required for a quorum.

I would like to welcome two new Board Members: Alan Shakespeare as Director of Finance and Barry Price as Director of Facilities. We look forward to them contributing their expertise and experience to the Board and our Club.
I want to thank our two retiring Directors – John Benbow and Jack Bayens – who have played a significant role in driving their portfolios and providing support overall to the Board.

The Board has recently approved the implementation of a nomination fee to join the Club. Commencing December 1 a nomination fee of $500 will be applied for all new members.  Additional to this is a $1,000 renomination fee for anyone resigning and wanting to rejoin within three years.  The Club has a strong business plan for how the course is managed from a capacity perspective and this is a strategy to assist executing our plans.  

All playing fees for non members will be rising as of January 1 by around 10 percent . Similar to the nomination fee, this strategy is regularly reviewed and adjusted to ensure we align these player rounds and revenues back to our budgets and course use modelling.   There will also be an increase in member hire of motorised carts as of December 1. The price will not change if a single golfer in a cart: $10 for 9 holes and $20 for 18 holes. However, if there are two golfers in the cart, the price will be $15 and $25 respectively for the cart hire. No split payments for carts will be taken.

The cart prices for members have never been increased since the inception of carts 13 years ago.  There is greater accessibility for carts as additional carts have been purchased over the past 12 months.    This does not mean carts are unlimited and not always available.  But access to carts and low prices for members is another of the great value offers to our members..

The Board will have a significant agenda next year, especially around use of the course, adherence to the Code of Conduct, a new Strategic Plan and planning of major projects to mention just a few. Once the Board has set the overall plan and worked with the Sub Committees for alignment, we will communicate the key priorities to members.

With your continued support.I am looking forward to another great year at our Club in 2024/2045.

Enjoy your golf, the Club and the weeks ahead with family and friends.
Ron Stone, President