Published on 16th September 2024

WA Open Member Golf Availablity

Dear Members,
The 100th Anniversary of the WA Open is on the 14th to 20th October 2024, with the course to be closed for the week.
We have had great support from Meadow Springs, The Cut, Secret Harbour, Pinjarra, Kwinana, Gosnells, Royal Fremantle and Lakelands, all of whom have opened up some times on their tee sheets for Mandurah Country Club Members.  Many other courses were wanting to assist however, were closed for coring that week.
This Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 7pm, these tee sheets will open on the MCC member golf bookings system, until the 1st October 2024, and members may play one game, at no charge, at one of the courses.  Some of the games will be in their Club Competition, with a comp fee to be paid.
There are near 400 games available, and we thank those courses for their support.
We are still in need of many volunteers for the event, from as little as two hours on one day.  There is a Volunteer Registration Sheet on the notice board near the card readers and it would be appreciated if members are willing to assist.
We will continue to update you on more of The Open as we draw nearer.  
Grant Shortland-Jones
General Manager

Ticket  are now on Sale, Be Quick tickets will sell Quickly!!

Payment to be made at the office at the time of booking.

Members and Partners Welcome !