Published on 27th May 2024

Course Liquor License

Dear Members,

We thank you for your patience with the temporary ceasing of liquor service onto the course.
The interpretations required us to change from selling “Take Away” liquor from the licensed premise onto the course, to requiring the course to be fully licensed if we were to allow any consumption of liquor.

The standard Club License stipulates all drinks need to be unsealed to be consumed in a licensed area, however our Board had a submission to the Director General approved, so that Members may take a maximum of four drinks onto the course sealed, to be opened at your own discretion.  These drinks however, must be consumed responsibly, by members of legal age.
With the course now treated as a licensed area of the MCC, liquor will now resume being sold from the clubhouse to be consumed on course.  However, there must be no BYO of liquor anywhere on the MCC’s premises including the course. This has always been the case, but we now must ensure this is strictly adhered to as an RGL obligation of continuing to allow liquor to be consumed on course.   
Drink prices remain at very good value for members and as an example, a beer is just $5 on course and therefore, we hope members continue to see value in your Club.

Grant Shortland- Jones