Published on 27th September 2023

Insurance Cover – Members Update

Dear Members,

As highlighted in the Annual Report 2021/2022, the cost of insurance premiums has increased significantly over recent years, a 60% increase equating to an additional $50,000 in premiums.  Of particular concern is the risk profile of the golf industry resulting in a scarcity of companies willing to insure golf, due to the multiple areas of risk that exposes insurers to potential significant payouts.

The Mandurah Country Club has been proactive in risk mitigation and a recent example of this was the decision to withdraw the charging facility for Lithium batteries stored at the buggy shed.  We have continued to enhance our risk mitigation strategies and even with no claims over the last three years, our premiums have increased dramatically.  Whilst we currently remain on a standard golf insurance policy, it is near impossible to attract new insurers to insure golf facilities.

The Mandurah Country Club has undertaken a significant insurance review with the assistance of our insurance broker, in order to identify areas of risk and causal factors that inevitably lead to higher premiums.  The following provides concise information to all members on insurance coverage and the changes that will be implemented in the near future:

Members Individual Liability.

This is not a Club insurance policy but a member policy that is incorporated in your annual subscription as a result of the affiliation to Golf Australia.  This is a policy between a member and Golf Australia that covers each member’s liability for damages to 3rd party property, or personal injury. 

An obligation on members is the requirement to advise the club after a round if you believe an event has occurred that might give rise to a claim.

Note the club does not take on the liability for individual members, green fee players or visitors.

What is covered under the Club’s insurance policies?

  • Club Assets & Liabilities — This includes but is not limited to all club owned property and scenarios where the club can be held liable for damages caused.
  • Statutory Insurance obligations — this includes items such as Workers Compensation.

These are required policies to ensure the club complies with legal obligations, and also to protect the club, the board, members, and volunteers.  To ensure we are adequately covered the club underwent a comprehensive valuation last year. 

Not insured by the Club.

  • All personal property owned by members.  This includes motorised carts, golf clubs and associated equipment, bags and buggies, whether stored at the club or where the loss or damage of equipment occurs either on or off club grounds.  This is a standard for similar scenarios where an individual may have storage for boats, caravans, or personal items on a third-party property.  This is currently part of the agreement for buggy storage, so we want to ensure members are aware of this.
  • Additionally, I can confirm the club has liability insurance in place for the scenario where a person believes it is the club’s responsibility/fault that they have suffered loss of or damage to equipment or indeed personal injury.

We cannot give individual insurance advice and suggest you contact your individual insurers to ascertain what cover is appropriate if you choose to store your personal equipment at the golf club.

If you do have any queries, please make contact with me, I am happy to assist where appropriate.


Grant Shortland-Jones,  General Manager