Dear Members,
As we saw last week, the winter weather has arrived. As usual, the effect of wet weather and dormant growing conditions can be detrimental to the course. The ground staff do an amazing job presenting the course in the condition to which we are accustom however, how members care for the course has a significant impact on overall course condition.
I realise many members blame green fee players for issues on the course however I have observed many members also not undertaking the basic tasks required to care for the course. Members make up 75% of rounds played at the club and if everyone followed the basics of course care it would make a substantial difference. We are investigating methods to better educate green fee players on care of the course but clearly what is in our control is our own behaviours.
I personally would like to ask all members to follow these basic course care tasks:
General Play
- The course is in dormancy resulting in a lack of growth so repairing pitch marks and crushing in divots is crucial.
- When repairing pitch marks work the grass in from the side of the indentation until the surface is flat and then tap down with your putter. Do not lift the pitch mark up from the bottom as this brings the mud to the surface resulting in a scar on the green. Research shows a correctly repaired pitch mark will heal in a few days however an incorrect repair can take 6-8 weeks to fully heal.
- Repair divots by taking a club and chopping in the sides of the divot until the surface is flat.
- Remember to not only fix your pitch marks and divots but any others you see as well.
- One of the biggest issues at this time of year is bare patches due to wear, please be aware of this when on the course. When walking and pushing buggies, avoid areas of wear and where possible walk at least 3m from the edges of greens. The fringes are particularly vulnerable at this time of year and often turn to mud in high traffic areas. The secret is to spread the wear and reduce high traffic areas to avoid creating bare patches.
During this time of year, we see a lot of wear on the course from golf carts. The best way to alleviate wear areas is to spread wear by not having carts continually driving in the same areas. One of the reasons we do not have blue lines like some other clubs is that these in themselves generate significant wear areas at the lines. Common sense is the key, we are happy for members to drive over tee boxes and spread the wear. Please adhere to these simple rules:
- Use common sense in carts, if there is mud, wet or wear areas, drive around these areas.
- Adhere to all cart directional signs.
- Carts must not be driven within 10m of a green and never between a greenside bunker and the green.
- During the wetter months please share golf carts to alleviate wear on the course. We request members that own their own carts share during this time of the year, there should be no more than two carts per group.
If cart directions are not followed there may be a requirement to restrict cart access on wet days to protect the course. It is in all cart users’ best interest to ensure you and your fellow members are following the cart directions.
Neil and the ground staff are going to start machining the bunkers twice a week (when staff is available) however a bunker only remain in machined condition until the first golfer goes in it. I probably will sound like a broken record but please follow these simple bunker care procedures to ensure the bunkers are always in good condition:
- This week blue lines will be painted at the entrance points to most bunkers. Wherever possible please enter and exit the bunkers between the blue lines and leave the rake in the direction of play just inside the entry point.
- Please rake bunkers properly. We can’t control every single golfer but if the majority of players raked bunkers properly upon leaving, the quality of all surfaces would be remarkably improved. If you’re in a bunker and someone else has failed to rake after themselves then rake those areas as well as your own.
If you observe someone not undertaking one of the tasks mentioned above, please politely remind them of the requirement. If we all work together and follow the basic requirements, we will be able to take the course to an even higher standard than we currently enjoy.
It’s up to all of us.
Dean Stewart
Greens Sub-Committee Chair.