We sincerely thank members for their cooperation in sharing your proof of Vaccination Certificates. To assist staff, just a reminder to please show your membership card at all service areas.
COVID numbers are significantly increasing and with this, further Government directions/restrictions will be put in place. These current restrictions have little impact to our operations and our weekly golfing program will not be affected however, large events may be. Any changes affecting members will be communicated as early as possible.
Staff availability remains an issue for the MCC and many other services throughout the metropolitan area. Please be mindful that many of our employees are new or inexperienced and until we can build our team with adequate training, please be patient, courteous, and respectful.
Our course staff have likewise been affected with and incentives offered by the mining companies tare well beyond what we can compete with. To date, his has not been detrimental to the course health but it is inevitable that we will be unable to present the course to the highest standard without available resources, especially at this during peak mowing time, high winds and a lack of rain. To the Course Volunteers, we acknowledge and thank you for the ongoing valuable contribution you make to our club in assisting staff, and of course our employees who are working above and beyond to keep the course in excellent condition.
It is inevitable that COVID will continue to spread within the community and quite likely affect some employees. We must be proactive to ensure we provide the safest work environment possible but also mitigate the risks of major disruptions to our operations, as has been experienced in so many industries. To mitigate the risks, the club introduce the following interim procedures, some of which will slightly inconvenience members:
- Office hours will change to 10am to 4pm. Any member requiring the office prior to these times can make an appointment and we encourage members to email or phone as a preferred method of contact. These changes will allow some staff to work from home and avoid contact with others.
- The Golf Shop will restrict core Counter Staff working together for extended periods. This may mean that in peak times, the service might not be as quick as we would like however, it limits close contacts and reduces the risk of losing multiple core staff.
As you are aware, the club has been very proactive over many years to drive improvements, as highlighted by the recent projects of bunker re-construction and the launch of the new website. The spread of COVID and the associated impacts will not put a stop to what the club wants to achieve but it may slow down some initiatives or cause us to reprioritise resources to core areas of the operations.
We thank members for continuing to work with the club, being supportive and patient when required. Please be mindful of your health and wellbeing and that of others by getting tested and staying at home if you are showing symptoms or have been put at risk.
Ian Johnson, President Grant Shortland-Jones, General Manager