Published on 17th January 2022

Covid Update – Friday 14 January 2022

Dear Members,

As you may be aware, yesterday the Premier announced restrictions to be implemented in relation to the need to be COVID-19 vaccinated before being allowed access to certain venues.  The list of venues was expanded in preparation for the imminent opening of the WA borders and now includes clubs.

We continue to closely monitor COVID-19 related Government and Industry initiatives/restrictions and encourage all members to keep well-informed of the latest developments and recommendations in relation to their personal well-being.  The recent Government restrictions imposed on certain venues is a timely reminder of how rapidly circumstances can change and the need for organisations to quickly implement procedures to manage requirements.  The current furore over the ‘Djokovic’ saga is a timely illustration of the need for appropriate policy development and a consistent and defendable approach when applying standards.

The new requirements will of course impact the MCC in relation to accessing our facilities and subsequently the daily operations of our club.  The new restraints will come in place effective Monday 31st January 2022 so there is only a couple of weeks to work through the logistics and implement operational processes.  The policy change has just been announced and as to be expected, a further level of detail is required before we can correctly communicate how our club will implement the restrictions.  Accordingly, we are liaising with Clubs WA and golfing bodies seeking clarification and consistency before specifying the way forward which will be communicated to all members as soon as possible.
Kind regards,

Ian Johnson                                        Grant Shortland-Jones
President                                            General Manager